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Git 2.6 4 Intel Universal Mavericks Dmg

카테고리 없음

by profafcuge1984 2021. 6. 2. 00:20


Disk image 'git-2.IO. Google Chrome downloaded tiis disk image on g kent.dl.sourceforge.net January 2017 trom Open README.txt. Nov 15, 2017 'apfsvfsopmount:1371: mounted volume: Git 2.15.0 Mavericks Intel Universal' It' s clear that 'git-2.15.0-intel-universal-mavericks.dmg' uses AFPS file system that is not supported under Mac OS X 10.11.6 or below versions. As same failed as if we try to mount a PenDrive formatted in APFS under 10.11.6 that is not (or never) supported on this. 第二步:把名字.pub 中的内容加入 git @osc 的 SSH 密钥中. 第三步:添加 SSH 并连接. 输入命令: ssh-add /名字. Enter passphrase for /Users/名字/名字: 输入密码. Identity added: /Users/名字 /名字 (/Users/名字 /名字) 输入命令 ssh -T git@git.oschina.net ,屏幕输出:.

Git SCM does not comes out-of-the-box(OOTB) with Mac OS X. However if you have installedXcode command line tools or standalone Git Installer then you will have Git SCM on Mac OS X.

Warm Up!

Git 2.6 4 Intel Universal Mavericks Dmg 2017

Let’s check existing Git version on your machine.

Scenario 1: You will get similar to this version!


Let’s start Git upgrade

First thing, get the latest Git SCM for Mac OS X Click here to Download(from git-scm.com). You will get.dmg file. In this article I’m using current latest version of Git SCM for upgrade!

  • Open the downloadedgit-x.x.x.x-intel-universal-snow-leopard.dmg
  • You will seeuninstall.sh, Run this shell script (if you have scenario 2 on your machine, skip this step)
  • Run thegit-x.x.x.x-intel-universal-snow-leopard.pkg installer and follow the installer instruction
    • This installs the Git in/usr/local/git (root access is required)

Once you finished the package execution (after, click of ‘Finish‘ button)

Git Upgrade Verification

Restart your bash session. If you wish to preserve your precious screen session, just executesource /etc/profile. Verifying Git version